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Free spirit

Nomadchik's ambition is to lighten the minds of all nomads in search of elegance and serenity,  by offering them beautiful and effective travel items.

Our approach ? We start from the little hassles you encounter on the move like wrinkled clothes in travel bags. Then we imagine the solutions that we really like.

We started with the Shirt Box, which takes the stress out of wrinkled shirts on the go. In September 2019, we are launching the Come Back Keychain. And we can't wait to share our next projects with you!

The co-founders

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"When Stéphane told me about his shirtbox project, I laughed a lot. I especially saw there the manifestation of his dandy neuroses.

But one day, when I went to a wedding, my shirt crumpled up in my bag and I didn't have time to iron it. I was less clever, and I thought maybe there was a subject.

By questioning my entourage, I realized that Stéphane was not the only one who was worried about transporting his shirts. And as I have always loved working with Stéphane, I decided to embark on the adventure with him. "



“Nomadchik is born from a real story. That of a quadra for which to fold a shirt and transport it without the risk of folds are anxiety-provoking subjects.

Nothing convincing on the market to meet my need, and thinking that I am surely not the only one, I decide to create a system to fold a shirt and transport it without wrinkling it.

But between an idea and a concrete project… I therefore needed a traveling companion to launch the adventure. I immediately thought of Thomas. We worked for several years together, shared many trips. And above all we share the taste for the beautiful. "

In full takeoff​

Summer 2017: we decided to create THE solution for the transport of our shirts


October 2017: we met and adopted the Unqui Designers.

September 2018: after 1 year of intense research and multiple prototypes, we launched a pre-order campaign to test the Boîte à chemise. We were concerned that we might not reach our target of 100 sales. We sold double that.

On this occasion, we made this little video which met with great success on social networks, parodying the codes of the universe of start-ups.

November 2018: launch of the production. The adventure was beginning for good.

March 2019: M6, who discovered us at the Made In France show, invited us to participate in their program My invention is worth gold, hosted by Jérôme Bonaldi, Erika Delattre and Emmanuelle Rivassoux.

June 2019: The Shirt Box is in the spotlight on M6! We didn't win the competition, but the experts on the show tested and approved our products, and we were pleased to make our first TV shoot. Thank you M6 for your trust!

September 2019: we launched the Reviens-moikeychain for slightly distracted nomads!

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